My little success story

Not a spectacular story but would like to share it. My own little success story. I have been doing the HyperVen therapy for a month or two now. I quickly progressed. But the chart line has remained the same for weeks now. In the meantime I also had a bad cold. And I lost the rhythm exercising twice a day. If you do not see any progress, you become a bit sloppy, at least I did…

To my astonishment the panic attacks did not occur.

Every year I suffer from panic attacks and depression in the winter.
Every year I suffer from panic attacks and depression in the winter.

I felt I was calmer than before. So I was already satisfied. Every year I suffer from panic attacks and depression in the winter. And the worry and sorrow for our foster daughter caused me to fall back completely last week. At least, that’s what I thought would happen. To my astonishment the panic attacks did not occur.

I can only conclude that this is due to HyperVen

I can now remain reasonably relaxed by breathing slowly. And I recover more quickly.!! So I can only conclude that this is due to HyperVen!! It was bad but I am so happy that it did not escalate like it used to!! HyperVen has already proven itself to me!