Quick improvement with HyperVen!

After each session I had to use my puffer. But I had a quick improvement with HyperVen.
After each session I had to use my inhaler.
But I had a quick improvement with HyperVen.

Hello everyone, one week ago I started to do HyperVen therapy. I had so many questions to all of which I received an answer. I started HyperVen with asthma. The first session was very demanding for me. I remember, after each session I had to use my inhaler. Because I got so much pressure on my chest. I even had asthma attacks during the trials. But I had a quick improvement with HyperVen.

I think my lungs have never been so open

I did not force, but I think my lungs had never been so open. When I started I had a score of 85 on average. Now – after 7 days – I get an average score of 111. Today I even got my top score of 122 seconds.

The changes

I see can clearly see an improvement, which is pretty quick! The changes are:

  • I used to take Omega-3 and Vitamin C supplements. Plus Echinacea Forte every day to strengthen my resistance and used my inhaler two time a day. Now I do not take any more supplements,
  • I am not short of breath and had no more hyperventilation attacks.
  • I now only take 1 inhaler in the morning.
  • What I find very strange is, after every session I do, in- and exhaling is super easy. There used to some sort of obstruction, both inhaling and exhaling.
  • It has also been a long time since I had no pressure on my chest. I do not gasp for air anymore.

I certainly believe that this therapy works. Even though my scores are relatively high compared to some of you. I can see my scores go through the roof when I do this therapy for 4 months!

I think this program is definitely worth it

Sometimes I still gasp for air. But now I am aware that I am doing this. Every few minutes I feel I have to take that deep breath. I think this has been programmed into me. Because I had so many shortages of breath in my severe asthma crises. But when I do the HyperVen sessions, I do not gasp for air for the next few hours. So I feel this will continue to evolve in the future.

I think this program is definitely worth it! There are so many other breathing exercises. But this is the most effective program that exists, I think. Good luck to you all.