The HyperVen therapy

The HyperVen therapy
The HyperVen app on a smartphone
The HyperVen app
on a smartphone

The HyperVen therapy was developed by the Dutch neurologist Ph. D. B. Snitslaar. He worked for the Common Medical Service (CMS) in the 1980’s. This therapy appears to be unprecedented in curing chronic hyperventilation. Ph. D. Snitslaar discovered how people with chronic hyperventilation can reset their respiratory center to a higher carbon dioxide tolerance in a fairly simple way.

How does HyperVen therapy work?

The therapy is aimed at learning to hold the breath longer and longer. Due to the chronic hyperventilation that has arisen in the past, the acidity of the blood (CO2 ions) has become too low. The respiratory center in the brain has become accustomed to it and reacts too quickly to increases in the level of CO2 in the blood. As a result, the respiratory stimulus comes too quickly, which keeps the patient in a hyperventilating mode. If this is the case, people hyperventilate on the authority of the respiratory center! One of the most important consequences of low acidity is blood vessel constriction. As a result, the brain and tissues do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. And that leads to a wide range of symptoms such as fears, phobias, fatigue, etc.

By systematically holding the breath longer and longer, the breathing center is forced to accept higher CO2 levels in the blood. This allows the body to build buffer systems to absorb hyperventilation. This leads to a decrease in hyperventilation symptoms over time. These symptoms eventually disappear completely.

HyperVen is an online therapy program

The exercises are done behind the computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection. During the exercises the program creates a chart about the course of those exercises. Eventually all information is collected in a general progress chart. In the chart one can see how progress is. On average it takes 4 months of practice – two or three times a day – at the computer. In the beginning it takes about 15 minutes, in a later stage that can go up to about half an hour per session.

the Hyperven app
the Hyperven app

The computer keeps track of the scores, gives tips and instructions. The sessions averages appear in a progress chart. In that chart you can see real progress over the months. It is important not to force the therapy. That usually works counterproductive and ultimately also often deprives the desire to continue. In addition, forcing can lead to all sorts of other symptoms, such as sore throat and the like.

What does the HyperVen program cost?

The costs are 80 euros for the first 4 months. If an extension is required, it costs 20 euros per month. 4 months most people need to get rid of it. Sometimes renewal is necessary if the progress of the first 4 months is insufficient. If you want to participate in the program, click on the button below:

If you want to read more about the HyperVen program first, read the article about the HyperVen App.