My experience with HyperVen

I have followed the HyperVen therapy only for a few weeks. And I have also been absent on the user forum for a while. But I still would like to share my experience with HyperVen with you.

I became very insecure because of the symptoms

I did not have a lot of symptoms. But I certainly suffered from chronic hyperventilation. Sometimes unexplained anxiety, heart pounding, skipping heart beats, etc. Anyway, most people know what I am talking about. I started HyperVen therapy in December. I must say, not very regularly because my symptoms were not so serious. They were more annoying and I became very insecure because of them.

The restoration of the carbon dioxide levels continues, even if you do not exercise for a while

But even with those few weeks of practice, I see an incredible improvement! I already can say: I feel much better! I really notice that the recovery of the carbon dioxide levels continues, even if you do not exercise for a while. My anxiety symptoms are as good as gone. Sometimes they still pop up. But then also automatically go away again. Whereas I used to have them for days. The heart pounding is as good as gone. The heart beat skippings are not yet completely gone, but already much and much less than before.

I can handle it again

Before I started the therapy, I already had skipping heart beats with little bit of tension. I work 3 days a week. And that is sometimes quite stressful. But I can handle it again. Wonderful! I no longer feel like a greenhouse plant that can not deal with any bit of stress (be it positive or negative). At least not without getting the symptoms. I noticed my body stabilizes much faster now. So it is true that your respiratory center needs to be “reset” when suffering from chronic hyperventilation!

So: if you are still in doubt whether or not to start with HyperVen. I say DO IT! And if you have a hard time and doubts whether you should continue with HyperVen. DO NOT STOP and continue. It is worth the effort!

I found the key to recovery

I found the key to recovery in HyperVen therapy.
I found the key to recovery
in HyperVen therapy.

I do know that chronic hyperventilation will always remain my weak spot. But I found the key to recovery in HyperVen therapy. So, if I get into trouble again in the future, I just start practicing again. And that for me is already very relaxing.

I wish you all the best!