Finally results with HyperVen

Hello everyone, at the end of September I started with HyperVen therapy. In the holidays I skipped and I also skipped if I could not find the time. But otherwise I practiced fairly loyal twice a day. Just before Christmas my chart continued to fluctuate around the same point. There was no more progress. But now – since a few weeks – I seem to be making progress again. Finally I have good results with HyperVen…

I now regularly improve my record times

I regularly improve my record times
I regularly improve my record times

Now I regularly improve my record times. I have to say that this is very motivating. And I try to keep practicing twice a day at all costs. Recently I had higher session times. My highest so far 103.8!!!! It used to fluctuate around 75/80 all the time. Only during me periods I fall back enormously. Almost back at the old low levels again. That of course is very frustrating.

There will be a time when your trial times will also skyrocket

I wanted to share this because I am so happy about it. And to give everyone who’s progress stalled an encouragement. There will be a time when your trial times will also skyrocket. Just keep patient.
Greetings, Jacqueline