Vacation after HyperVen

Hi everyone. From February I have been doing HyperVen therapy and I found it incredibly demanding. A lot of side effects. Also new symptoms popped up which I have never before. But the urge to get rid of chronic hyperventilation after about 30 years was so strong that I persevered. And now I’m going on vacation!

3 times I wanted to give up

That’s why I am going to stop for a month. After that I will start again. Because the scores are still going up. But in the tent I find it difficult to practice… I write this article to encourage you. Even though you feel bad now, you have to persevere. Because my symptoms are almost gone now!!! 3 times I wanted to give up because I was fed up with the exercises. But in the end it was all worth it.

I now know my limits better

In my vacation I will go fishing. "une femme qui pêche!"
In my vacation I will go fishing
“une femme qui pêche!”

I now know my limits better. And I keep people who are negative for me out of my life. That was not easy to do, but the relief is very big… I wish you all MUCH SUCCESS and a good holiday. TIP: Go and do exactly what you want to do! I my vacation I will go fishing. Despite all the comments that it is strange for a woman … “une femme qui pêche!”

See you in a few weeks, Agda