My hyperventilation story

I have been taking HyperVen therapy for 4 months now. And I am so glad I started. This is my hyperventilation story. More than 2 years ago I got my first panic attack. And from that day on my life was turned upside down. Soon more attacks followed and every time I immediately went to my GP. In between the attacks, I remained dizzy and had a weird feeling in my legs.

I never used to be dizzy so this scared me

I never used to be dizzy so this scared me. A blood sample was taken and that turned out okay. My blood pressure was also fine. I also suffered from pain in my neck, so maybe that was the cause of my dizziness? I made an appointment at the physio / manual therapist where I received 9 treatments. This only made my symptoms worse. I think my nervous system was so weak at the time that this therapy was counterproductive.

It was clearly fear of fear

fear of fear
fear of fear

I developed more symptoms over time: pain in my ear, tinnitus, pain in my jaws and a tense feeling in my face. My GP thought it just needed time. Meanwhile I got betahistine (a medication for dizziness) which also did not work. In the meantime I had registered with a psychologist. It was mainly to find out whether I first became dizzy or first panicked. It was clearly the fear of fear.

But even though I knew this, it did not stop the symptoms. I was so insecure and anxious during this period, and also very emotional. I asked my doctor for a tranquilizer. This gave me more security and after a few weeks I was prescribed antidepressants. I could cope with my life again but the dizziness remained. So after half a year I quit the medication.

I was done with the medics

In the meantime, I regularly visited the family doctor and was referred to the neurologist for my symptoms. I received an MRI scan from the brain and neck. I was terrified but the results were good. Then I was sent to the ENT specialist. He also could not find anything and thought that my symptoms came from the neck / jaw. I was now done with the medics. And I went looking for alternative care. I tried almost everything. Natural therapy, chiropractic, bio-resonance therapy. They helped a bit, but no real healing, until I made an appointment with a psychosomatic physical therapist. He worked on my neck but also introduced me to respiratory therapy. He found that my symptoms did not come from the neck but were caused by a wrong breathing.

There are now days when I am not dizzy anymore

In the back of my mind I knew this myself. But you want confirmation. In the meantime I often visited the HyperVen forums. 4 months ago I started the therapy myself. My symptoms greatly reduced. There are now days when I am not dizzy. The earache and the pressure on my ear has completely disappeared. The neck and jaw pains are still there though. But I feel like I can do everything again.

My initial score was 40 and I am now on average at 85. I am still going forward so I extended the therapy with one month. I hope to be completely healed once. But I do not know if this is feasible. It is very difficult for me to let go. I still think too much about it. And then I become insecure, anxious and dizzy again. In large stores I am still dizzy. But not as much as before. I have now accepted this and when I relax it goes away again.

The recognition can give you peace of mind

The recognition can give you peace of mind
The recognition can give you peace of mind

I hope you find my story helpful. The recognition can give you some peace of mind. This was also the case with me. I advise everyone with chronic hyperventilation to start the HyperVen therapy. It is also advisable to look at yourself critically. I really had to work on myself. And that is not easy if you have 2 young children and work as a freelancer. I want to thank the creators of this program and wish all people doing the HyperVen therapy lots of success!