Chronic hyperventilation controlled my life

Chronic hyperventilation controlled my life. I also developed fears from it. Last year I came to a point where I no longer knew what to do about it. You should not start several different things at the same time. But where do you start?

A note with HyperVen written on it

I had a little note with the word HyperVen written on it for quite some time. I got it from someone who benefited from this therapy. I looked up the HyperVen therapy on the internet and signed up immediately. In the beginning I found it very hard to hold my breath. I could only manage 20 seconds … I also suffered from these stress discharges that are being written about. So I walked around for a while with a red head.

I persevered

Hyperventilation controlled my life, but I persevered
Hyperventilation controlled my life,
but I persevered

Slowly my scores increased. Doing HyperVen twice a day, more than two hours after meals, was actually not an option for me. But I persevered as well as I could. I occasionally stopped, but then I started missing it again. By the way, I eventually reached 80 to 90 seconds.

A positive mindset

Slowly the hyperventilation symptoms became less. Because of my improvement and the lack of time I decided to stop HyperVen for now. But I am so happy with HyperVen! In addition to reducing my hyperventilation, it gave me a positive mindset and confidence. Do you still have doubts to start? If you feel you need it, do it now! By the way, if you want to know something, Rob always answers very quickly. Great!