I will take a break

Hello everyone, after successfully doing HyperVen therapy and after having surfed the user forums for almost half a year, I will now take a break. I want to focus my attention on other things now. Chronic hyperventilation is no longer part of my life. Speaking figuratively.

During a half year being present on the forum I showed HyperVen really works. And I hope that I have been able to encourage people.

There is life after hyperventilation

There actually is life after hyperventilation!!! As you know, I developed a severe anxiety disorder because of my hyperventilation. Through HyperVen therapy I have “eliminated” the anxiety disorder for a large part. But I want to be completely free and go anywhere I want. So that is my main priority now.

I want that dream to be true

I want that dream to be true
I want that dream to be true

The biggest wish of my hubby and me is to go to the isle of Texel again. To be able to walk in the Slufter valley. And I want that dream to be true. I thank Rob for his fantastic program and his support. I hope that many people, despite all their negative experiences with other therapies, can still find the courage to do HyperVen. Because it absolutely delivers what it promises.

It is really worth it all

For those of you still doing HyperVen: PERSEVERE!!! Yes, it is demanding. But you must have perseverance, otherwise you would not have started it. It goes with ups and downs. You will have happy times. And you will have bad times, but …………….. IT IS REALLY WORTH IT ALL!!!

A lot of success and lots of love
from Ellen