12 weeks working with HyperVen

on a busy market

Hello HyperVen practitioners, here’s a message from me. I did HyperVen for 12 weeks now. I do not dare to cheer too much, but things are getting better. Occasionally I notice that when I am somewhere, like on the market or in a pretty busy store, I stand outside and think to my surprise: “I had no problems at all”.

My attitude begins to change without me being aware of it. I also notice that my chest is pushed forward and my shoulders are relaxed. When I walk the dog, I now feel that I am walking in a relaxed way. Because my attitude has changed. It is very surprisingly.

My breathing is now at 3 to 4 times per minute

I do not panic anymore when the chronic hyperventilation symptoms come. Because I now think HyperVen therapy might trigger them. My body is changing and they will pass… I count my breathing during football matches on TV. My breathing is now at 3 to 4 times per minute. Before HyperVen therapy my breathing was over 10 x per minute…

After 30 years of hyperventilation I can now live without symptoms

For sure something is happening. So I go into my last weeks of therapy in good spirits. I do take into account there might come a relapse. It would be great living without symptoms after about 30 years of hyperventilation. They symptoms were not always so serious. But in hard times they controlled my life.

I am starting to believe. More and more. I will keep you informed! Everyone good luck with the exercises.

Kind regards, Jolanda