I’m still there

Hi hi, yes I’m still there… And it’s going well. I lost about 98% of my chronic hyperventilation symptoms. And I am now focusing mainly on my phobias.
For me that is a big challenge. A really big challenge!! Yet you must continue to stay positive. And then you will get there in the end.

Actually I am very proud of myself

Actually I am very proud of myself
Actually I am very proud of myself

I now drive 3 times a week OVER THE HIGHWAY to my work. And that is fantastic. Last week I went door to door to collect money for a charity. Okay, I had the car safely nearby, but still …. Furthermore I went to Limburg 2 times in the past 2 weeks as a co-driver. It was a 1 hour drive. So actually I am very proud of myself !!

I think HyperVen is a good way to release and let go of the stress

I didn’t do the therapy for one month. No time… didn’t feel like it… But in that month I did not have a relapse. I started again because I think there is more to gain. Also I think HyperVen is a very good way to release and let go of the stress and tensions. After the “free” month my scores had dropped by 10 seconds. But after 3 days of practice they were back to normal again.

The biggest challenge for me will be walking. That was the first thing to go. And I will probably be the last thing that comes back to me again. I also still see a psychologist every 2 to 3 weeks. And that still feels good. It helps me to clean up the stress!

In short … it goes well!
Sweet regards, Erika