I have my life back

Hi everyone, I finished HyperVen therapy several months ago. And it’s going great. I have my life back. The chronic hyperventilation – including all the unpleasant symptoms – completely gone. I also came a long way in my street anxiety. I bought an electric bicycle and I am cycling the surrounding villages and polder areas. Something I did not even dare in my chronic hyperventilation time.

I have learned to take my space

I work almost full hours again (3 hours short). The company doctor gave me until spring 2010 to tackle the remaining 3 hours. Also I started with haptonomy for 3 months. And I have learned to take my space and hold that space in situations of tension. This prevents me from losing my space. It literally gives me extra air!

I have learned to say NO, without feeling guilty.
I have learned to say NO, without feeling guilty.

I have learned to say NO, without feeling guilty. The exercises are very simple. But with a huge result! Yesterday at the dentist and for the first time – since perhaps 10 years – I felt completely relaxed in the chair!

My breathing is unconsciously again

My breathing is unconsciously again, as it should be. It’s going great!! The moral of this story: Persevere! No matter how horrible and unsolvable your situation may seem… It will pass!! Keep doing your HyperVen therapy as long as you feel that your breathing is not optimal. And trust that everything will be balanced again.

Wishing you all a lot of strength, Erika