Hyperventilation story from Rob

I dragged myself through life

Below in brief my hyperventilation story. I had very serious chronic hyperventilation in the 90’s. I was in social security because I could not work anymore. And I had – in addition to a whole range of doctors and examinations – all kinds of medicines to make me “better”. Because I did not understand what was wrong with me, and the doctors also did not know it, the symptoms became worse and worse. So much so, that I could not even walk anymore because of certain medicines. When I threw those bad drugs aside, I could at least walk again. So I dragged myself through life.

This article was about me

Coincidentally I got an article from the company doctor. Officially I still worked even though I was in social security. So I had to visit the company doctor on a regular basis. He gave me this article. He said: “Read through this, I think it might help you.” It was the article by PhD. Snitslaar. When I read the article, a world of understanding opened up to me! This article was about me!!!!!!! For the first time in years, I finally understood what was wrong with me. It was as if a huge weight was taken from my shoulders!

Over the course of a few months I gradually lost the symptoms

In the article, at the end, he mentioned a new therapy. PhD. Snitslaar apparently achieved good results with this therapy. So I started my search for this doctor. If there was someone in the world who understood what was wrong with me, it was this man! In the end my search did not lead me to PhD. Snitslaar, but to one of his assistants who helped him with testing the therapy. Her name was Hanny Vriend. She taught me the therapy. At that time without a computer. I had to make the charts myself on paper and with a stopwatch.

Over the course of a few months I gradually lost the symptoms. A new world opened up for me which I vaguely remembered from the time before hyperventilation. After a year I worked full time again and I was no longer suffering from the hyperventilation symptoms. Also my hypochondriacal fears were gone. During my chronic hyperventilation period I was convinced that I had leukemia or something equally bad!

This is really very rewarding work!

In the year 2000 I decided to build the HyperVen program. I did this with my good friend Peter. I continued my search for PhD. Snitslaar. Eventually I found him living abroad. He retired and lived in well-deserved rest. Together with him we built the HyperVen program. At that time we put the program on the market on CD ROM. Snitslaar left further development of the program to me. He also told me that Hanny Vriend had unfortunately passed away years ago. That was a huge shock for me! How I would have liked to show her our program, site and user forums now! And all those people we have already cured! This is really very rewarding work!

What chronic hyperventilation does in our lives and society

So far for my hyperventilation story and experience with chronic hyperventilation. Because I went through it all I understand so well what is going on inside us. The symptoms we all experience. And that is why I am so driven to bring more understanding to the world what chronic hyperventilation is. And what it does in our lives and society.

Together we can heal many people

 Together we can heal many people
Together we can heal many people

I wish everyone reading this a quick recovery from chronic hyperventilation! I succeeded as have many others! “Bring it forward, tell the world!”. I hope you pass it on to everyone who suffers from this terrible disease! Together we can heal many people. And give them a chance for a normal and symptom-free life again…

Rob Gravesteijn 