HyperVen works very well!!!!

the symptoms disappear super fast
the symptoms disappear super fast

I started HyperVen therapy on May 8, twice a day. My initial scores were around 75 seconds. I am now at 127 seconds and the symptoms disappear super fast. HyperVen works very well.

If only I started earlier

I was demanding at times, but I would not call it a real setback. I was extremely tired after each session with thoracic breathing. But since this weekend all my symptoms are gone. And I can go anywhere without getting dizzy. If only I started with this earlier!!!

For your health you want to go the extra mile

Since I have only been doing the therapy for 5 weeks (75 sessions) I want to continue doing it for another 3 weeks with 2 sessions per day. And after that 1 session per day to see what happens. I cannot say that I find it hard to do this therapy. Yes, you have to have the discipline to keep it going. But for your health you want to go the extra mile.

For anyone who still doubts, keep motivated! Because I now know for 100% that this therapy works!!!!!!!!!!