Feedback from an old HyperVen user

Hello dear everyone, here is some feedback from an old HyperVen user. To encourage you all. I hyperventilated long, very long. And thanks to HyperVen therapy no more! I found the program extremely demanding. I kept thinking the symptoms came back, over and over again. But really, I have no more physical hyperventilation symptoms.

I am in therapy to get to know myself better

I am in therapy to get to know myself better
I am in therapy to get to know myself better

The start of my hyperventilation did have a cause, I am aware of that. That is why I am still in therapy. I want to get to know myself better. And to start looking at things differently. For everyone who is still busy with the program: keep going. Although it seems a long way it is definitely worth it!!

Strength everyone, Kitty