Cured with HyperVen!

Hello everyone, although I am not much of a “forum writer”, I want to share my story here. If only to encourage others who might doubt the effectiveness of HyperVen therapy. And to encourage those of you, who are down because of chronic hyperventilation. I am cured with HyperVen. I have been walking around for 12 years with chronic hyperventilation, without knowing it. Have had all kinds of vague and less vague symptoms all those years. I had the whole package that comes with chronic hyperventilation.

I apparently continued to do that wrong breathing

About 12 years ago I had a difficult period in my life. I spent years full of stress, tension, fears, you name it. Then apparently, due to stress and anxiety, I started to breathe incorrectly. And because that period lasted so long, it became my “normal breathing”. It settled and remained when my life returned to calmer waters. And then – apparently – I continued to do that wrong breathing.

I developed more symptoms over the years

I had two hyperventilation attacks in those years. But the effects of those attacks lasted only a few weeks. So then you tend to forget about it. But I developed more symptoms over the years. It started with chronic insomnia. And that caused tiredness and lack of energy. Then came the heart problems. Such as fast beating heart, hearth pounding, especially at night I also had a sensation of what I call a “vibrating” heart.

I was told: “yes, but you are a stress case”

Of course I have often been to the doctor. He prescribed beta-blockers. And then I was told: “Yes, but you are a stress case. You are too busy. You have to try to relax more.” And that was it. I started thinking: am I crazy or what?

And so it went on with more and more new symptoms: tired eyes and “pressure” on one of my eyes. So I thought that something (could it be a tumor?) pressed against my eyeball. As a result I had blurred vision. So I went back to the doctor. Now I was referred to ophthalmology. And they could not find anything special. But the eye symptoms remained. 

I panicked, thought I had a heart attack

I thought I had a heart attack
I thought I had a heart attack

Then came last May. It came suddenly, while I was sitting on the couch in the evening. I got these terrible stabbing pains in my heart / chest area. And I had trouble breathing and became short of breath. I panicked. Thought I had a heart attack. But the pain went away pretty quickly. I felt feverish. With big heat surges / sweat attacks that seemed to come from deep inside me. And I had this “tight” feeling on my chest. I felt very weak and lifeless. I could hardly stand on my legs. And I had trouble breathing. To complete the list, I had headaches, trouble with hearing, blurred vision, cramped muscles / muscle aches, nausea, dizziness. Also constantly a feeling as if I could lose my consciousness at any moment. An overall feeling of lethargy.

“You seem to hyperventilating!”

Back to the doctor. Fortunately, my own doctor was not there that day. I got another doctor from the group practice. She listened to my story for five minutes and observed me in the meantime. She immediately said: “You seem to be hyperventilating!” This surprised me. I told the doctor I had been hyperventilating years ago. But that it felt very different now. And that I had not recognized this as being hyperventilation. She told me that hyperventilation not always manifests itself with the same symptoms. But she was not talking about chronic hyperventilation. I did not even know that it existed. So I went home again with the advice “to take it easy” and “pay attention to your breathing.”

I thought: how do I ever get rid of this?

So I tried that. But the symptoms became worse and more extensive. Until I could hardly do anything anymore. I thought: how do I ever get rid of this? I did not want to go to the doctor anymore. He did not take me seriously and hardly knew anything about hyperventilation. He had not recognized it in me for 12 years. In despair, I roamed the internet. I then found the HyperVen website. I read everything and recognized the whole story as “my story”. And I immediately felt like: yes, that story of the wrong breathing, the respiratory center in the brain that is set wrong, the carbon dioxide story. Yes, it sounded plausible and scientifically justified. So maybe the HyperVen therapy could help me.

Already after 2 weeks I noticed a clear improvement

I started HyperVen around mid-July. And already after 2 weeks I noticed a significant improvement and reduction of the symptoms. Now I have come to a point where I can say that I am rid of almost all of my symptoms. I sleep well again and feel energetic. I will continue with HyperVen until the end of my therapy period (mid November). But only once a day. Because I feel that it is enough. And if I get the symptoms again in the future, I will immediately recognize it and I know what I can do about it.

It has me given a “new” life again

Cured with HyperVen. It has me
given a "new" life again
Cured with HyperVen. It has me
given a “new” life again

I want to thank the people of HyperVen for this method. It really gave me a “new” life again. I was so desperate that I really did not like my life anymore. But now I am almost the old one. And that feels incredibly good. So again: thanks. And for all my (former) companions: keep going! HyperVen really helps, I have experienced it myself!

Kind regards to everyone, Chris