The home situation

The home situation can be extremely important for people with chronic hyperventilation

The home situation can be extremely important in two ways for people with chronic hyperventilation.

  1. It can be the cause by which people started hyperventilating.
  2. Incomprehension and impatience of family members can contribute to worsening hyperventilation syndrome.

The home situation as the cause of chronic hyperventilation

Recognizing that the home situation is the cause of chronic hyperventilation is a quite difficult. People usually look for the cause in other places. Sometimes it is very clear. For example if you are in a divorce. The stress that comes with this can – for people who are sensitive to it – lead to hyperventilation. If such a separation takes too long it can lead to the development of a hyperventilation syndrome.

Sometimes people are stranded in a home situation that they do not really want. For example, a woman may be oppressed by her husband. Or – as in some cases worse – abused. It is not always possible to change the home situation. People can be forced into patterns that cannot be broken. In those situations, one must make sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And have sufficient moments of rest. Make sure you work on yourself during those moments of rest. Try to do these things: walking, cycling or exercising. Yoga or meditation can also be a good addition in these situations.

Incomprehension and impatience of family members

If a family member suffers from the symptoms of chronic hyperventilation, it is often incomprehensible for family members who do not. Doctors – more often than not – do not recognize hyperventilation syndrome. They send people back home without offering a solution. Other family members then start thinking it is just a form of attention seeking. Or some expression of frustration of the person hyperventilating. This misunderstanding usually leads to a worsening of the symptoms. And thus to a further increase of that incomprehension. For all family members this creates extra tensions. And for the person who hyperventilates this sometimes leads to escalations in the form of hyperventilation attacks.

To explain the family

Good explanation to family members creates a basis for curing chronic hyperventilation
Good explanation to family members creates a basis for curing chronic hyperventilation

It is important for people who suffer from hyperventilation syndrome to give the family members a good explanation of hyperventilation. You can use the articles on this site for that purpose. If the other family members understand what is going on, they often adopt a different attitude. This removes the annoyances and incomprehension. And instead of working against the hyperventilating person, the family members help to organize things differently at home. This creates a better home situation for all involved. And that promotes the healing process.
